Possum Creek Stables
Volunteer your time at Possum Creek Stables
Volunteer work is always available for ages 12 and up. You'll experience:
~ Feeding, watering, handling and grooming horses
~ Cleaning equipment and occasionally tack
~ Mucking out horse stalls and private paddocks
~ Plus anything and everything to keep the barn running smoothly

Our volunteers also get to enjoy riding horses owned by Possum Creek Stables and simply being around these truly incredible animals. This is a fun experience for those of you who have an interest in horses, giving you exposure to the responsibility of owning and caring for horses. If you are new around horses, we can be the ones to teach you the basics of what you need to know; no experience needed, but helpful.Volunteers are typically scheduled two or more times per week on a set schedule to come and help with either weekend AM or weeknight PM chores. We ask that volunteers please let the stable owners know in advance if they're unable to make it out on their assigned day to help. Volunteers help out year 'round. If you are interested in volunteering your time at Possum Creek Stables, please feel free to print out a volunteer form. Give us a call at (937) 847-8272 or email us at possumcreekstables@yahoo.com.